Flinders Research NewsNHMRC COVID-19 responses to date – a summary of changes that affect NHMRC schemes - 23 April 2020

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have provided various updates to the Australian research community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In summary, the changes to NHMRC schemes include extended closing dates, cancellation of Synergy Grant scheme for 2020, the creation of a FAQ page on the NHMRC website, and details on Variation requests.
Updated grant schemes information
- Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Scheme (CTCS) - delayed, the closing date for the CTCS scheme will be extended to 25 November 2020.
- Ideas Grant Scheme - extra time, the deadline will be extended by 5 weeks, with a new closing date of 10 June 2020.
- Priority driven Cancer Research Scheme (PdCCRS) 2020 funding round are submitted through the CTCS and Ideas grants.
- Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - will now close 30 July 2020.
- NHMRC e-ASIA Joint Research Program 9th Health Research and Environment - new closing date of 21 May 2020.
- Investigator Grants 2020 - the outcomes from the 2020 Investigator Grant round to be available soon.
- Synergy Grant Scheme - cancelled for 2020. NHMRC will consider whether it is possible to run an expanded Synergy Grant round in 2021.
The updated Flinders’ internal dates and NHMRC closing dates are now available on the NHMRC schemes page or on the specific Inspiring Research article linked above.
FAQ webpage
The NHMRC recognises that the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting many in Australia’s health and medical research community including NHMRC grant applicants and recipients and members of NHMRC Peer Review Panels and they have created a FAQ webpage. These FAQs are intended to address frequently asked questions from NHMRC stakeholders about the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on applications for NHMRC funding, peer review, grant management and other NHMRC processes.
Variation requests
If a grant holder’s circumstances have changed - for example, there has been a delay in Research Activity because of involvement in the clinical or public health response – the Administering Institution’s Research Administration Officers (RAO) can submit variation requests. The NHMRC are advising that the grant holder is to work with their RAOs as their first point of contact for all grant administration matters. Variation requests are to be certified and submitted by the Administering Institution’s RAO.
Variations that may be relevant due to the impact of COVID-19 include:
- Deferral of commencement date
- Deferral of an in-progress grant and extended leave requests
- Extended end date
- Change to a research plan
- Change to chief investigators.
More details are available on the NHMRC Vary your grant page.