Flinders Research NewsCOVID-19 Special Collection from Joanna Briggs Institute

This free access Special Collection provides health professionals and health organisations with the best available evidence on infection prevention and infection control measures.
The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) COVID-19 Special Collection includes JBI Evidence Summaries that provide a succinct summary of the best available evidence related to a clinical topic including best practice recommendations to help clinicians mobilise evidence into practice, and JBI Recommended Practices that provide standardised, detailed descriptions of best practice care procedures. These resources align with the WHO guidance on infection prevention and control principals for practicing health professionals and organisations.
This Special Collection will be updated regularly to include new evidence related to safe, effective practice for individual health professionals, as well as evidence related to organisational knowledge needs for service-wide evidence on current best practice with an emphasis on infection prevention and control measures. These can be used in conjunction with local policy requirements as set out by government agencies.
Access the Special Collection on the JBI website.