Research Engagement and ImpactNHMRC success for Flinders

Flinders researchers have been awarded a Centre of Research Excellence, a Targeted Call for Research - Implementation of Dementia Research into Clinical Practice and Care, twelve Project Grants, one Program Grant, one Medical Research Future Fund TRIP Fellowship and two Postgraduate Scholarships, with the total awarded amount to Flinders in the two recent NHMRC round announcements being $24,795,927.80.
Ophthalmology at Flinders had a good showing with Dr Ebony Liu and Dr Genevieve Oliver being awarded Postgraduate Scholarships, Associate Professor Jamie Craig and Professor Justine Smith were both awarded a project grant and Jamie was also awarded a Program Grant. Other project grants include treating type 2 diabetes and obesity through gene targeting, improving drug resistance in chemotherapy, and exploring the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Liaison Officers in hospitals.
Congratulations to all the researchers, research teams and support staff involved in the submissions. Over the coming months, we will have articles highlighting individual successes from this round.
There are also named Chief Investigators on NHMRC Grants led by other universities.
2018 Successful NHMRC Project Grants – led by Flinders University researchers
Decolonising practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care
Professor Fran Baum, Dr Toby Freeman, Dr Tamara Mackean, Professor Juanita Sherwood (University of Sydney), Associate Professor Anna Ziersch, Associate Professor Deborah Askew (Queensland Health), Dr Annette Browne (University of British Columbia, Canada), Professor Judith Dwyer, and Professor Michael Kidd.
Amount Awarded: $1,451,490.50 (5 year project)
Silencing visceral nociceptors by targeting NaV1.1: A novel therapeutic approach for treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Associate Professor Stuart Brierley, Professor Richard Lewis (The University of Queensland), Dr Irina Vetter (The University of Queensland), and Associate Professor Grigori Rychkov (The University of Adelaide)
Amount Awarded: $696,808.50 (3 year project)
First-in-Field Study of Mechanisms Operating in Post-Ebola Eye Disease
Professor Justine Smith, Dr Glenn Marsh (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Dr Jillian Carr, and Associate Professor Steven Yeh (Emory University)
Amount Awarded: $748,985.20 (3 year project)
Is overactive bladder a 'Bladder itch'? Identification of itch specific pathways within the bladder
Associate Professor Stuart Brierley, Professor David Grundy (Sheffield University, UK), and Professor Nicholas Spencer.
Amount Awarded: $720,585.00 (3 year project)
Targeting RCAN1 to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity
Professor Damien Keating, Professor Leif Groop (Lund University, Sweden),and Associate Professor Beverly Rothermel (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
Amount Awarded: $814,468.20 (3 year project)
A new clinical tool to assess fitness-to-drive in obstructive sleep apnea
Doctor Andrew Vakulin, Professor Ronald Grunstein (University of Sydney), Professor R. Douglas McEvoy, Associate Professor Peter Catcheside, Associate Professor Keith Wong (Woolcock Institute of Medical Research Limited), and Dr Angela D'Rozario (University of Sydney)
Amount Awarded: $727,962.80 (3 year project)
UGT enzymes in chemotherapeutic drug metabolism: new avenues to improve drug response and overcome resistance
Dr Robyn Meech, Professor Ross McKinnon, Emeritus Professor Peter Mackenzie, Dr Dong Gui Hu, and Professor Christos Karapetis.
Amount Awarded: $610,005.00 (3 year project)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers’ and Liaison Officers’ role in quality acute health care services
Dr Tamara Mackean, Professor Fran Baum, Dr Annabelle Wilson, Professor Eileen Willis, Dr Janet Kelly (The University of Adelaide), Associate Professor Kerry Taylor, Dr Odette Gibson (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited), Dr Catherine Hunter (The George Institute for Global Health), and Dr Kim O'Donnell.
Amount Awarded: $1,571,334.20 (4 year project)
How stimulant laxatives work
Professor Simon Brookes, Associate Professor Philip Dinning (Flinders Medical Centre), and Professor Marcello Costa.
Amount Awarded: $529,428.00 (3 year project)
Validating novel biomarkers relevant to major depression
Professor Ma-Li Wong (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited), and Professor Julio Licinio (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited)
Amount Awarded: $515,549.50 (3 year project)
A Randomised Evaluation of the Appropriateness of Anatomic Coronary Investigation in Cardiac Injury/MI Type 2
Professor Derek Chew, Professor John French (University of New South Wales), Professor Harvey White (Auckland Hospital, NZ), Professor Michael Farkouh (University of Toronto, Canada), Dr Stephen Quinn (Swinburne University of Technology), Associate Professor Billingsley Kaambwa.
Amount Awarded: $2,481,816.00 (5 year project)
Translation of glaucoma blindness genes to improve clinical practice
Professor Jamie Craig, Associate Professor Alex Hewitt (University of Tasmania), Associate Professor Stuart Macgregor (The Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research), Professor David Mackey (University of Western Australia), Associate Professor Kathryn Burdon (University of Tasmania), Professor Lyle Palmer (The University of Adelaide), Associate Professor John Landers, Dr Puya Gharahkhani (The Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research), Professor Robert Casson (The University of Adelaide).
Amount Awarded: $844,965.60 (5 year project)
2019 Program Grant
Translating genetic determinants of glaucoma into better diagnosis and treatment
Professor Jamie Craig, Professor David Mackey (University of Western Australia), Associate Professor Stuart Macgregor (The Council of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research), and Associate Professor Alex Hewitt (University of Tasmania).
Amount Awarded: $9,466,000.00 (5 year project)
2017 Medical Research Future Fund TRIP Fellowship
Enhancing the capacity of mental health services to review, personalise and intervene early through implementation of real-time outcome monitoring
Associate Professor Niranjan Bidargaddi
Amount Awarded: $179,118.00 (2 years)
2017 Postgraduate Scholarships
Emerging and Re-emerging Retinal Infections
Dr Genevieve Oliver
Amount Awarded: $94,952.75 (3 years)
Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy and its treatment
Dr Ebony Liu
Amount Awarded: $73,963.25 (2 years)
2017 CRE Application
National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research - Positioning Primary Care at the Centre of Sleep Health Management
Professor Doug McEvoy, Professor Nigel Stocks (University of Adelaide), Professor Nicholas Zwar (University of New South Wales), Professor Ronald Grunstein (University of Sydney), Dr Ching Li Chai-Coetzer, Professor Leon Lack, Professor Robert Adams (University of Adelaide), Professor Sally Redman (The Sax Institute), Dr Andrew Vakulin, and Professor Steven Wesselingh (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited).
Amount Awarded: $ 2,497,977.50
2017 Targeted Call for Research - Implementation of Dementia Research into Clinical Practice and Care
‘Agents of Change’: Improving post diagnosis care for people with dementia and their carers through the establishment of a National Quality Collaborative to implement guideline recommendations
Dr Kate Laver, Professor Janna Fitzgerald (Griffith University), Professor Maria Crotty, Professor Susan Kurrle (University of Sydney), Professor Ian Cameron (University of Sydney), Associate Professor Craig Whitehead, Dr Jane Thompson, and Associate Professor Billingsley Kaambwa.
Amount Awarded: $770,517.80
More posts in "Research Engagement and Impact" series:
- (13 Dec 2018) ECR Spotlight - Dr Ben Lewis
- (29 Nov 2018) Impact Seed Funding – supporting our Flinders ECRs – Dr David Smith
- (29 Nov 2018) Research Roundup - 29 November 2018
- (15 Nov 2018) Impact Seed Funding – supporting our Flinders ECRs – Dr Lua Perimal-Lewis
- (14 Nov 2018) Research Roundup - 15 November 2018
- (01 Nov 2018) Flinders research from an undergraduate class to a record breaking swim attempt
- (01 Nov 2018) Research Roundup - 1 November 2018
- (31 Oct 2018) ECR Spotlight - Dr Bev Rogers
- (31 Oct 2018) Flinders researchers trip to Germany on bringing science to market
- (18 Oct 2018) Melbourne and Canberra fellowships advance research and leadership skills for Flinders researcher
- (18 Oct 2018) Impact Seed Funding – supporting our Flinders ECRs - Dr Linlin Ma
- (18 Oct 2018) Research Roundup - 18 October 2018
- (04 Oct 2018) How can Australian innovation create new industries and jobs?
- (04 Oct 2018) Research Roundup - 4 October 2018
- (27 Sep 2018) Saving Nemo at Ngeringa Winery
- (20 Sep 2018) Assisting the UN and developing nations on how to measure wellbeing
- (20 Sep 2018) Equity Hub to assist translating research into change
- (06 Sep 2018) Steps to improve gender diversity in coastal geoscience and engineering
- (23 Aug 2018) Finding the invisible traces
- (09 Aug 2018) Diving in Deep to strengthen links with UNESCO members
- (09 Aug 2018) Impact Seed Funding – supporting our Flinders ECRs
- (09 Aug 2018) Older Adults engaging for a better quality of life
- (08 Aug 2018) The scientist’s guide to a successful career in academia
- (27 Jul 2018) Flinders aiming to lead the blueeconomy
- (27 Jul 2018) Can you have a conversation with a computer?
- (12 Jul 2018) Flinders linking with arts and culture to explore their real value
- (12 Jul 2018) WHO internship for Flinders researcher
- (28 Jun 2018) Flinders linkage grants success
- (28 Jun 2018) Flinders’ led project top in Radiation Research
- (18 Jun 2018) Nothing going to waste - Flinders NIH Success
- (18 Jun 2018) ECR Spotlight - In Conversation with Dr Sam Elliott
- (29 May 2018) Flinders leading the reviews to improve remote health
- (17 May 2018) Generating conversation through The Conversation
- (15 May 2018) ECR Spotlight - Dr Ashok Manoharan 2018
- (03 May 2018) Flinders’ Archaeologist off to Cambridge for a year
- (26 Mar 2018) New chapter of Indigenous history told through food
- (08 Mar 2018) Flinders linking with Indigenous groups to explore aspects of colonial Australia
- (22 Feb 2018) ECR Spotlight - Ian Moffat
- (21 Feb 2018) Flinders working to Beat Cancer
- (25 Jan 2018) Why are little penguins declining?
- (25 Jan 2018) Scimex - Register now to be a part of breaking news
- (24 Jan 2018) ECR Spotlight - Alice Clement
- (21 Dec 2017) A Flinders first - automated launch and recovery for autonomous underwater vessels
- (13 Dec 2017) 2017 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Early Career Researchers
- (11 Dec 2017) ECR Spotlight - Vishnu KK Nair
- (06 Dec 2017) NHMRC success for Flinders
- (24 Nov 2017) Aiming to improve the health, education and wellbeing of children
- (17 Nov 2017) Accelerating the Interplay Wellbeing Framework
- (16 Nov 2017) 2018 Visiting International Research Fellows to Flinders
- (15 Nov 2017) ECR Spotlight - Ashokkumar Manoharan
- (15 Nov 2017) 2018 Flinders Endeavour Scholars and Fellows announced
- (14 Nov 2017) Time to Bragg about science writing
- (10 Nov 2017) Flinders Forensic Science cleans up at Awards
- (10 Nov 2017) Flinders successes in the recent ARC grant round
- (30 Oct 2017) Students Present Around the World
- (20 Oct 2017) Over $8 Million to Flinders from the National Palliative Care round
- (19 Oct 2017) ECR Spotlight - Sam Schultz
- (17 Oct 2017) Flinders' Fresh Scientists in the Pub
- (11 Oct 2017) Indigenous knowledge, not just for Indigenous communities
- (06 Oct 2017) Leading Drug and Alcohol researchers at Flinders’ NCETA secure $1.7 million in funding
- (05 Oct 2017) ECR Spotlight - Margaret Shanafield
- (28 Sep 2017) Our Distinguished Geographer
- (07 Sep 2017) ECR Spotlight - George Karpetis
- (01 Sep 2017) Eureka! Prize for blood test for bowel cancer recurrence
- (22 Aug 2017) Different environments, different DNA, different dolphins?
- (17 Aug 2017) ECR Spotlight - Dr Harriet Whiley
- (03 Aug 2017) ECR Spotlight - Giselle Rampersad
- (17 Jul 2017) Time to Scope your research - FAST
- (17 Jul 2017) Time to Scope your research - Hoverflies
- (13 Jul 2017) Tips from a first time interviewee
- (12 Jul 2017) Saving Nemo at the Star of Greece
- (07 Jul 2017) Invasion of the European crabs
- (20 Jun 2017) Fossil finds bring Australia's evolutionary history to life
- (07 Jun 2017) Peer Prize up for grabs
- (02 Jun 2017) Tracking the marine ecosystems in South Australia
- (29 May 2017) Be Your Best for Impact
- (18 May 2017) Aiming to catch criminals as never before
- (05 May 2017) Excavating with and in a Community
- (29 Apr 2017) What does engagement look like? Community-initiated research.
- (24 Apr 2017) Planning for one of the world’s youngest nations
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- (29 Mar 2017) Best and Brightest for Hearts
- (27 Mar 2017) The Best Student Publications - Flinders 2016 edition
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- (21 Dec 2016) Recent Funding Success
- (21 Dec 2016) Research Impact - Point of Care Testing
- (21 Dec 2016) New ARC College of Experts
- (20 Dec 2016) Flinders Celebrates - 2016 Research Successes
- (19 Dec 2016) Vice-Chancellor Awards for Research Excellence
- (19 Dec 2016) Cardiology, Mental Health Projects among NHMRC Grant Success
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